Task |
Feature |
Product Name |
Mouse & Key Recorder |
Advanced Key & Mouse Recorder |
Noldus uLog/uLog Pro | Perfect Macro Recorder |
Recording |
Individual keystroke recording |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes | Yes |
Cumulative timestamps |
Yes |
No |
No |
No | No |
Time-delay between two keystrokes |
No (but can be calculated) |
Are added (preset amount, rather than recorded) |
Yes |
No (but can be calculated) | Are added (preset amount, rather than recorded) |
Millisecond precision |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Don't know | DonŐt know |
Playback |
Mouse movements |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No | Yes |
All keyboard keystrokes work (for windows) |
No (may be a keyboard language setting prob.) |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes | Yes |
Editable replay script available |
Yes |
Yes (I think, from memory) |
Yes |
No | No |
Other | Can reform text strings Compute mouse move distances |
Price | Free | ? | ? | your name / ? | ? |
Mouse & Key Recorder by: Kra-Tronic Corp
Advanced Key & Mouse Recorder by: www.macro –expert.com, via Grass Software
Perfect Macro Recorder via: Perfection Tools Software
Also see:
How are Java software developers using the Eclipse IDE?
Murphy, Kersten and Findlater. IEEE Software, Jul/Aug. 2006. [PDF on Murphy web site] Includes a logger, but haven't traced down if it's available. works in Eclipse.
Prepared by Peter Spring <p.spring@student.unsw.edu.au>, November 2007. Updated Feb 2008 by Frank Ritter.